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Youngest Nigeria Sitting Senator launch a brutal attack on store attendant in Abuja

Youngest Nigeria Sitting Senator launch a brutal attack on store attendant in Abuja 


Some thought-provoking question are beginning to roll in from the viral video recorded by Premium Times on Senator Addo assault, beating up a woman in a sex toy shop in Nigeria’s capital. Can policemen defend the right of an ordinary Nigerian citizen in the hand of the person who pays them? What is the Senator doing in a Sex toy stores with women who are not his wife?

In the video, published exclusively by Premium Times, Senator Elisha Abbo, who represents Adamawa North Senatorial District, is shown launching a brutal attack on a woman who tried to stop him from assaulting another woman attending to customers in the shop.

The Senator accused the shop attendant of insulting him and asked a policeman with him to arrest her. Obviously concerned for her safety, the attendant made a call and tried to inform someone about what was happening.

But this only angered the Senator who ordered her to stop the call. Things took a violent turn when a man with the lawmaker tried to smack the phone away from the shop attendant’s hand and another woman who was watching the drama intervened.

The Senator became livid and launched an attack on the woman who had only urged them to “take it easy”, slapping and hitting her before ordering the policeman to arrest.

As the policeman did his bidding, dragging her away despite the pleas of the shop attendant who was the initial target, the Senator continued his assault.

The assault, which happened on May 11 according to the Premium Times report, has led to shock and outrage.


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