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Gbenga Adeyinka Apologise For Breaking False Death Claim On Baba Sala

Gbenga Adeyinka Apologise For Breaking False Death Claim On Baba Sala 


Gbenga Adeyinka took to his Instagram page yesterday to break the news of Baba Sala’s death, few hours later he reappeared apologizing to Nigerians for posting a false claim on his page on the death of veteran comedian, Moses Adejumo, popularly known as Baba Sala.
Gbenga Adeyinka issued the apology via his Instagram page where he had earlier made the untrue claim.
“Good evening please DISREGARD the news of Baba Sala’s demise. The source has since recanted. So sorry for the misinformation. “Feeling very stupid that I just took his word for it. Sorry again,” the standup comedian wrote.
Adeyinka’s untrue claim was deleted soon after it was posted, but many blogs had published it as the gospel truth without verifying from the family of Baba Sala.
This is the second time in less than six months that such rumor would be peddled about the comedian. In August, a similar rumor was published by many blogs, however, it was swiftly debunked by Emmanuel. “I don’t know where those peddling the death rumour got it from.”
“Good morning Nigerians, I want to thank you all for your love… I would like to inform us that my Daddy, Hon Moses Olaiya Adejumo MON is alive, he is doing well. Please, ignore any death rumour,” Emmanuel posted on Facebook

Attached are the two posts;

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