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Exposed! Two pastors use same woman for miracle

Exposed! Two pastors use same woman for miracle 


A few years ago, the body regulating all aired content, Nigeria broadcasting Corporation prohibit the broadcast of miracles on TV station as a result of many cases of staged miracles, deceiving unsuspected viewers. Yet many desperate so-called men of God have resulted in social media publicity so has to gain followers, still with a fake miracle. Unlike TV, social media video can easily be trace, linked or compare with other related videos. That was the case with exposed video of the founder of Mountain of Liberation And Miracle Ministry, aka Liberation City, Dr Chris Okafor, who is currently running from pillar to post over a video clip showing him performing what appeared like a miracle.

People have exposed it as staged managed.

Two pastors are said to be playing on their congregations, the woman is a said to be a contortionist and has the ability to craftily manipulate her limbs. After the Church programme, she collects her commission and life goes on. She and these fake pastors capitalized on the ignorance of their Congregations.

Video clips showed the same woman in two separate Churches to demonstrate her Craftiness.

The video, posted by Instagram user, nvoguhair, started with a woman saying she needed healing for her stunted right arm.

Okafor told the congregation that the woman saw three people, who pushed her in a dream and when she woke up, she developed the problem.

He asked that the camera focused on the arm, adding that the woman had been told there was no bone in her arm.

“If witches can do this, my God can do better than witches,” he added.

The woman shed tears of pain from the injury, while Okafor said he was retrieving the bones from “the household of witches.”

“Give me the bone; give me her bones,” he said and made some signs, while making a gesture for the hand to return to normal.

As the woman stretched her shrunk hand, the congregation went into jubilation with songs of worship.

However, the same woman was shown in another video clip claiming she had the same problem as another unidentified pastor prayed for her in public.

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