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Blame insecurity on ethnic, political and religious leaders – Buhari

Blame insecurity on ethnic, political and religious leaders – Buhari 


President Muhammadu Buhari says most instances of inter-communal and inter-religious strife and violence were and are still being sponsored or incited by ethnic, political or religious leaders.

President Muhammadu Buhari yesterday identify ethnic, political and religious leaders as the chief culprit in the case of prevalent insecurity in the country. He made this clear during the Democracy Day celebration address on Wednesday in Abuja, said that the leaders were hoping to benefit by “exploiting our divisions and fault lines, thereby weakening our country”.

He noted that in spite of activities of the saboteurs, his government had remained focused in fulfilling the campaign promises in the areas of security, economy and fighting corruption.

“When I took the oath of office on May 29, 2015, insecurity reigned.

“Apart from occupying 18 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in the Northeast, Boko Haram can at will attack any city including the Federal Capital Territory, can threaten any institution including bombing the United Nations building and Police Headquarters, in Abuja.

“Admittedly, some of the challenges still remains in kidnappings and banditry in some rural areas.

“The great difference between 2015 and today is that we are meeting these challenges with much greater support to the security forces in terms of money, equipment and improved local intelligence.

“We are meeting these challenges with superior strategy, firepower and resolve,” he said.

The President reiterated the greatness of Nigeria in the comity of nations and the need for every citizen to work towards reclaiming the glory.

“Our country Nigeria is a great country. According to United Nations estimates, our population will rise to 411 million by 2050, making us the third most populous nation on earth behind only China and India.

“We have water, arable land, forests, oil and gas and vast quantities of solid minerals. We are blessed with an equable climate.

“However, the bulk of our real wealth lies in Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry and Mining. We possess all the ingredients of a major economic power on the world stage.

“What we require is the will to get our acts together. And our strength is in our people – our youth, our culture, our resilience, our ability to succeed despite the odds.

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